Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuscany, Oklahoma, Berkeley... My Favorite Places

Tuscany, Italy.  I spent last semester in Arezzo, Italy.  Other than a couple trips to Canada, it was my first time out of the country.  When the Etruscans inhabited modern-day Italy, they built their cities and settlements on the top of hills.  Occupying high points gave them a military advantage, but their location also endowed the towns with incredible views.  This photo was taken from a park only a ten-minute walk from my apartment.

A Snowy Day in Arezzo
Jan. 2015 (original image)

Oklahoma.  I have spent most of my life in Oklahoma.  I was born in Oklahoma City, my family has lived in Deer Creek for about 15 years, and now I attend school in Norman.  Oklahoma has some of the best people anywhere.  I have travelled to many places, but I always enjoy coming home to Oklahoma.  These are some of my favorite people on a weekend adventure to Pauls Valley and the surrounding area.

Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Jan. 2014 (original image)

Berkeley, California.  This summer, I worked for an underwater robotics company in Berkeley, CA.  Berkeley pairs a tech mindset with a genuine concern for the environment and the world we live in.  I once walked into a aquarium store where they heavily discounted the 10 gallon fish tank.  Why?  Because they want to push people away from buying fish bowls, the inhumane alternative to aquariums.  In addition to the perpetually beautiful weather, what astounds me about the Bay is how extraordinary events seem so ordinary.  As a hub for technology and entrepreneurship, so many people are accustomed to making their dreams a reality.  This image is from the Art + Soul Festival in Oakland, CA (just a short BART ride from Berkeley).  These two dancers are performing on the side of City Hall.

Bandaloop at the Art + Soul Festival
Aug. 2015 (original image)


  1. Oh my gosh, Carey: our travel paths throughout the world sure have a lot of overlap! And that picture of Arezzo is GORGEOUS: have you shared that one with the Study Abroad office? They should make a wallpaper of that one: it's beautiful! I spent a lot of time in Siena when I was in graduate school, and so I visited the lovely Arezzo too!

    And BERKELEY: wow, I think you are the first student who has listed Berkeley as a place. San Francisco has shown up before, but not Berkeley. What a great summer! Where did you live??? When I was an undergrad in the 1980s I lived at Shattuck & Alcatraz, and also by Lake Merritt in Oakland, and then in graduate school in the 1990s I started out living over in Daly City (I took BART to school), but then I got this fabulous apt. at Delaware and Shattuck. Blissful. I am so glad you had a good time there. It is a place that basically defined who I am, and I still miss it! And the Indian food in Berkeley: OH MY GOSH. Is Udupi Palace still there on University? Let me go check... yes!!! It is. I miss my uttapam. Ohhhhhh, there it is! And they even want me to order online... but that's a long way to go to pick it up, ha ha.
    Udupi Palace

    Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class! And at some point you'll get to read I hope the story of Vishnu AS A FISH: Matsya
    . He would definitely want a big aquarium! :-)

    1. I lived at an airbnb close to Adeline and Woolsey, right by Ashby BART, so your old place on Shattuck and Alcatraz isn't too far away. The airbnb was wonderful because I could live there for a short time and not have to worry about furnishing the place or signing a lease. It was in a great location. I could walk or bike to Berkeley Bowl for groceries, and I biked to work which was located close to the Berkeley marina. Lake Merritt is a nice place too. I took my ROV there a couple times. I even saw a stingray in the lake on one of my dives.

      I didn't go to any Indian restaurants in Berkeley, but I did make my own chicken tikka masala. I'll have to try Udupi Palace next time I'm in Berkeley.

    2. Oh man, BERKELEY BOWL. That brings back memories. I was was there in early 80s, that kind of store was a totally new experience to me: I'd never seen anything like it. Nowadays, of course, it does not seem so out of the ordinary, but back then, yep, it was extra-ordinary. So glad it is still going!
      And THE MARINA. That was "my place" in Berkeley. I miss it the most of anything I guess. :-)
      Thanks also for the stingray: I had no idea. I walked around the lake a lot, but I never ever went INTO the lake! Now I wish I had known there were stingrays in there: it gives Lake Merritt an air of adventure!
